Ignite Week
If you want to have extra money come from your network marketing business that has slumped a little, then join me for 5 days to find out how you can reignite your business.
Welcome visitors & announce promotions
Day 1
Recruiting- My 3 step system for how to recruit with the 1 step no one is telling you to do, which is why you can’t get people off the fence.
Day 2
Duplication- How to turn 1 customer into 10 full proof every time virtually or in person.
Day 3
Recruiting- My 3 step system for how to recruit with the 1 step no one is telling you to do, which is why you can’t get people off the fence.
Day 4
Goal Drama- You make the same goals every year and never achieve them. The rank up, quit the second job, be able to work your biz full time, financial freedom, retiring your husband, etc. Learn how to break up with your bad Goal Habits once and for all using my step by step system to finally take action.
Day 5
Leadership Uplevel- Find out what you’re doing to sabotage the growth of your team because you don’t know how to lead in this one simple way.